27 October 2006

Camera.. camera.. camera..

Nope I am not here to give any talk about camera. I happen to read soohk blog on his new camera. Congratulation on your new Canon 400D! I was tempted to get one as the new features caught my attention.. self cleaning on the picture capturing chip. I have been owning a film SLR and been using it on various trip. I have few lenses to go with. I only need to get a new digital SLR body.. still far away. It is quite fun to test out the features in a SLR camera. Alot of fun things can be experienced from a SLR compare to point and shoot.

The reasons I am not into digital SLR...
1) Those full frame SLR is very expensive (for me too expensive), those choices are Canon 5D and Canon 1D.
2) The lower model SLR hundred series does not have full frame (no doubt the latest feature is included.. the self cleaning thing)
3) The hundred and ten series seems not my prefered choice.

so have to wait... arrrgghh... when are camera manufacturer going to reduce the price..

While I am making sure that I do not miss the advantage of digital camera.. I indulge myself in a mini SLR like unit.. a Lumix FZ5 (becasue my Sony T1 give up on me).

The fun things about taking photo is sharing, whether the outcome of the photos is not a fantastic one, but the composition is interesting. Because of the word composition, time is taken away when indulge oneself in a camera.

A lot of photos I have seen, I still somehow find some of the photos is amazing. Where did the idea come from? Was always a question to me. As I have yet to produce mine.

Some tools are needed to produce certain effect, which hamper my choice of result. Somewhat lately, life changed, my camera sitting idle in a container. Hmm.. I wish I can start doing what I was doing when I have my first SLR. Oh the reason my blog was started, sharing photos that I have taken. Those photos in my blogs are from digital camera only a few from film.

So when am I going to do that again...arrgghh..


SooHK said...

Full frame to go down to Rm5k body only will be few years away... There is seems to be an unofficial roadmap of canon products somewhere in the internet. So can you tahan or not for few years hahaha in thailand the 5D is selling at 99,900 baht. http://www.fotofile.net/main.html after VATs refund and exchange you are looking at 9K malaysia at least..interested? hahaha

PhotoCrazy said...

Wow! 9K is interesting compare to 14K.. but still need to wait.. no choice la.. with a son my option is only to wait. Cannot tahan also no choice.. waaa..

golfer said...

9K for a life span of 5 years, so each years is about 2K plus is really an expensive toy. I rather go for semi-SLR which is easy to operate. No doubt is interesting, but it is just too much the insvestment.

PhotoCrazy said...

Hehehe.. depends on what individual requirements are. The SLR at that level really gives you the satisfaction that you will not know. Once in a lifetime.. the 9K seems not so bad. That is why I am waiting for the price to become halve.. hehehe..