Long time since the last I blog.. I guess the world does have a lot of bloggers. So if mine was not updated.. no one will notice.. hehehe.. Simply being no time and lazy, then this blog was ignored. Frankly speaking I forgotten I do have a blog. To many site to maintain, people like me tends to forget. I happen to be in Facebook, it appears to me that I have a blog which was abandoned. So I peak, then I wrote and it is not completed.
Started Flickr, it was a hot item for awhile, now it is abandoned. Must be old age catching with me. Abandoning is something happens recently to me, being many hobbies in life and no time for them all. Wow... while writing this I felt I am losing time, as I have other things I can do.. haiz.. time to sleep I guess.. My body is getting older, can't tolerate late night retirement...