I was having a lunch on one Monday last week. Mmm.. *salivating*.. yummy.. Okay, stop drooling, I told myself. Start selecting the packages that is offered on the menu. Took something with all beef on it. And I received a number for a start, 24 on a plastic stand. As usual when I am in a Indonesian food outlet, I will look for Indonesian famous pack tea. 'Teh Botol' soon listed in my order list.
After some tossing head around, at time with frozen head and eyes riveting on something. Ta da.. came my meal. Plate of white rice. Pitty they don't do coconut milk rice, what the Indonesian call 'nasi uduk'. I really missed it, when I was in Jakarta, the 'nasi uduk' comes with fried onion. The pack of tea arrived with a corner nipped. And also a plastic mug with some ice in it. Took the straw and stuff it into the pack through nipped corner. No ice for me.
What I can say is the food is fantastic, the beef is tendered, no tendon it in. Meatball tasted good too, with strong taste of beef.
Chewing away to the end. Left the last meatball with some burn on it. Was wondering, if the black stuff on it will shortened my life. With carbon to promote cancer... ah.. what the heck.. bite and bite I go on the last meatball.. bam... seems it is rotten. The funny thing was I kept chewing, biting and *gulp* it went down the throat. I was hoping my system can help me to fight the rotted part.
My tummy felt uncomfortable, some what 2 hours later. Gas everywhere in the stomach. Tried to air it out. But it got worst. And the next in line, body felt achy and getting cold with hot body. FEVER. Ouch! Turn to bed early. Till today I am still having chesty cough. What an experience to begin with the new year.
SO lesson learned, do not continue the gluttony. I should be a better person than I am now.
Anyway the food is delicious, just have to be careful when eating. I am sure the tongue is able to tell us what is wrong with the food if any..